Online Programs

Flexible. Personal. Engaging. 我们的在线课程允许我们扩展到选择证书和硕士学位课程, taught by our world-renowned faculty, in a setting that encourages reflection, dialogue, and relationship-building—from wherever you happen to be. 

Why LSEHD Online?

Specialized Programs

我们培养电子游戏软件为反思的专业人士,并成为领导谁赋予个人和社区的成功. 我们的在线课程旨在帮助教育工作者在其职业生涯的每个阶段应对当前和未来的挑战——无论是理论的还是经验的. 

Collaborative Classes

Online learning at LSEHD is not only flexible but highly personal. 学生通过小班授课和实践教学与老师和同学建立亲密关系. 分组讨论室——即兴的虚拟教室——通过允许教师与个人和学生群体见面来促进开放的对话. 

Close-knit Community

LSEHD is known for its collaborative community of students, faculty, and administrators and our online programs are no exception. 你将加入一群忠诚的教育家和导师,他们将在现在和毕业后支持你. 

World-renowned Faculty

我们的虚拟课程由我们的领先学者和实践者教授,他们处于创新电子游戏正规平台项目的最前沿, contribute policy recommendations, and have experience serving diverse populations locally and globally. 


Online Program Webinars

听到同学们的不同观点,了解韩国、肯尼亚或波士顿的老师对某一特定问题的看法,真是令人着迷. 这是林奇学校和你的同学们非常酷的一点:你们身处世界各地,但你们仍然有能力聚在一起,就一系列话题进行交流.
Ben Smith ’10, M.Ed. ’20

Expand your knowledge base

Learn new skills

Transition to a new role or leadership position

Broaden your worldview


Explore Online Programs

Program match your criteria

Educational Leadership & Policy, M.Ed.


  • Draw on social-justice values and leadership strategies to boldly improve equitable opportunities for traditionally marginalized students.
  • Tailor your education and concentrate in Educational Policy Development or Social Justice Leadership.
  • Licensure track leading to school principal licensure.




Assume a leadership role in educational systems serving students, families, and communities.

School Principal Researcher Dean of Students Superintendent School Vice Principal
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Education-MEd-in-Educational-Leadership-and-Policy
Educational Policy Development Certificate


  • Learn how policies shape the cultural norms and day-to-day practices at both a micro level and a macro level. 
  • Program utilizes a lens of social justice and equity as a basis throughout the curriculum.



Develop the skills to use policy creatively and effectively to advance organizational goals and educational change. 



  • Students explore educational viewpoints across a wide range of cultures and countries.
  • Conduct action research to address problems encountered in your educational setting.
  • Opportunities to hear worldwide guest speakers provide insights on global education trends.



Learn to apply global perspectives to benefit students in a variety of educational settings, including international schools.

Teachers Principals Program Directors Action Researchers School Administrators
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Education-MEd-in-Global-Perspectives-Teaching-Curriculum-and-Learning-Environments
Higher Education, Executive Ed.D.


  • Online program with yearly week-long summer residencies, 允许候选人在攻读博士学位的同时保持自己的职业生涯.
  • Catholic Higher Education concentration available. 
  • Program culminates in a practice-based capstone project.

Develop the skills, mindsets, 和技术知识,以配合高等教育的变化步伐,在这个项目专为经验丰富的专业人士. 

Dean of Students Vice President for Enrollment Chief Diversity Officer Director of Global Initiatives Vice President of Advancement
International Higher Education Certificate


  • Offered through BC's renowned Center for International Higher Education.

Deepen your understanding of global higher education models and critical issues impacting higher education around the world.

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Certificate-in-International-Higher-Education
Jesuit Education in a Global World, M.Ed.


  • Apply Jesuit teaching and curricular practices that improve life opportunities for students in diverse global contexts.  
  • Engage in action research to solve a problem of practice. 
  • This program is affiliated with Boston College's Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies.


Utilize an Ignatian and international lens to best meet the needs of global and diverse students.

Social Justice Leadership Certificate


  • Students develop and enact their own theory of change to apply in practice.
  • A Reflection on Leadership course prepares students for values-based school leadership where a respect for diversity is cultivated throughout their organization.



Boldly advance equity in schools and enact a systemic response to confront the barriers students face. 


Meet Our Community

Rebecca Lowenhaupt
Associate Professor

Rebecca Lowenhaupt将她的职业生涯奉献给教育服务不足的社区,并激励未来的教育工作者, working alongside school leaders to serve the greater community. 

Meet Prof. Lowenhaupt

Joseph DeLeo
M.Ed. ’20

Joseph DeLeo, M.Ed. ’20, 她是普罗维登斯拉萨尔学院的舞蹈和体育老师, 来到林奇学校是为了成为一个更有效、更有影响力的教育领袖. 

Meet Joe DeLeo

Vincent Cho
Associate Professor

在过去的二十年里,赵文卓把他的一生和事业都奉献给了教育事业. Today, 他的大部分电子游戏正规平台都集中在技术如何促进或阻碍课堂学习. 

Meet Prof. Cho

Ben Smith ’10
M.Ed. ’20

前电子游戏软件曲棍球和NHL球员本·史密斯回到不列颠哥伦比亚省获得他所需要的工具和知识. 史密斯称赞了该项目的灵活性、社区意识和人员.

Meet Ben Smith

Financial Aid

Education should level the playing field.
We feel the same way about financial aid.

林奇教育与人类发展学院提供了超过8美元.4 million in financial aid to students each year. As a result, the quality of BC’s instruction, the benefit of our alumni network, BC学位对你的就业选择的影响是既实惠又无价的.